Month: October 2020

PMA report warns U.S. West Coast Ports could lose up to 45% of intermodal imports to B.C. ports by 2030

PMA report warns U.S. West Coast Ports could lose up to 45% of intermodal imports to B.C. ports by 2030

A Mercator study commissioned by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) warns that high U.S. rail costs and other factors could cause U.S. West Coast (USWC) ports to lose between 15% to 45% of intermodal import business to British Columbia (BC) ports by 2030.

The report says 15% of “Intact Intermodal import volumes” could be lost by 2022 and over “45% of the USWC’s current intact intermodal import traffic is at risk of diversion to BC ports over the balance of this decade.”

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Congressman Garamendi advances Jones Act requirement for offshore wind

Congressman Garamendi advances Jones Act requirement for offshore wind

On September 25th, Congressman John Garamendi (D-CA) applauded passage of his amendment to the “Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act” (H.R. 4447) by the U.S House of Representatives.

Garamendi’s amendment clarifies that the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, a 1953 law governing offshore mineral and energy development, applies to lease sales for non-fossil fuel energy sources such as wind power, hydrokinetic, or ocean thermal energy conversion. The Garamendi amendment will enforce Jones Act requirements for all offshore renewable energy production.

However, it must still pass the U.S. Senate.

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PCNC Welcomes Harbor Trucking Update from GSC Logistics’ Scott Taylor & HTA’s Weston LaBar on October 13 – Via Zoom

PCNC Welcomes Harbor Trucking Update from GSC Logistics’ Scott Taylor & HTA’s Weston LaBar on October 13 – Via Zoom

OCTOBER 13, 2020 @ 11 VIA ZOOM

Scott Taylor & Weston LaBar

Scott Taylor, President/CEO – GSC Logistics and Weston LaBar President/CEO Harbor Trucking Association will update the Propeller Club of Northern California on how harbor truckers are coping with the Covid crisis and challenges to pick-ups and deliveries of containers at the Port of Oakland as well as other trucking issues at California ports.

Weston LaBar will also discuss the latest on Howard Terminal ballpark plans.

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