Presenters Bios 2024

Storms, Flooding & Sea Level Defense November Conference 2024

Julie Beagle

Environmental Planning Section Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District

Julie Beagle is the Environmental Planning Section Chief for the US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District (SPN) and leads the District’s Engineering with Nature Proving Ground. She brings a focus on integrating nature-based approaches into USACE studies, projects, and operations. She is the technical lead on several Engineering with Nature pilot projects, including piloting strategic shallow water placement of dredged materials in SF Bay to support marsh and mudflat resilience to sea-level rise. Previously Julie was the Deputy Director of the Resilient Landscapes Program at the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) where she led the Institute’s climate resilience and adaptation studies. Prior to her ten years at SFEI, Julie worked with land managers on the North Coast of California to reduce fine sediment runoff into salmonid streams, and on watershed-scale river restoration projects. 

Brad Benson

Waterfront Resilience Program Director, Port of San Francisco

Brad Benson

Brad Benson joined the Port of San Francisco in 2005. As the Waterfront Resilience Program Director, he oversees the Waterfront Resilience Program efforts, including the up to $5 billion Embarcadero Seawall Program and the United States Army Corps of Engineers/Port of San Francisco Flood Study.

Before he was named Waterfront Resilience Program Director in early 2019, he was Director of Special Projects and oversaw the Port’s local, state, and federal legislative program.  During this time, Benson developed the state legislation that guides two of the Port’s largest development projects at Pier 70 and Mission Rock.  Additionally, he developed the state and local legislation that allows the Port to form infrastructure financing districts on Port property, to leverage private dollars for the benefit of the public. He collaborated in the preparation of the Port’s Ten Year Capital Plan to ensure an economically stable Port. Moreover, he managed the Port’s role in the Golden State Warriors Chase Center development project in the central waterfront. In addition to Director of Special Projects, he also served as the Port’s Pier 70 Waterfront Site Project Director to oversee a new proposed transit-oriented, Type 1 Eco-District neighborhood in the southern waterfront. 

From 2010-13, Brad served as the Port’s project manager for the 34th America’s Cup, that attracted millions of visitors and generated $1.4 billion in economic impacts to San Francisco.

Maria Conatser

President International Propeller Club

Ms. Conatser has 28 years in the maritime industry serving in various financial, analytical, and business intelligence roles with Ingram Barge Company.  She was recently elected President of the International Propeller Club and previously served as First Vice President, and Treasurer.  Ms. Conatser has also been active in and held leadership positions in the Propeller Club Port of Nashville for 17+ years.  She serves on the Finance Committee for the YWCA in Nashville, Tennessee.  She is a graduate of Western Kentucky University and has an MBA from Belmont University. 

Peter Dreyfuss

Peter and Jonathan Dreyfuss, Co-founders, Watermaster North America

Peter Dreyfuss

Peter Dreyfuss and his brother Jonathan founded Watermaster North America, LLC, a US company which has the exclusive franchise for the US and Canada to import components of the Watermaster Amphibious Dredger from Finland, with a hull manufactured in Michigan.  This Jones Act compliant dredger Finland is a 5th generation machine currently being used in over 70 countries.

The AMD 5000 can be driven to a worksite on a standard lowboy trailer, and can then walk off the trailer and into the water, where it is propeller driven to a work site.  Powered by a Caterpillar Acert C7.1 Tier 4 engine, this suction cutter-dredger can pump 20-30% slurry up to a mile away through 10” piping, and further with booster pumps.

This machine can be viewed in action at our website 

Carly Finkle

Senior Policy Manager, Canal Alliance


Carly Finkle is the Senior Policy Manager at Canal Alliance, a community-based organization located in the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael, which is one of the most vulnerable communities to sea level rise in the Bay Area. Canal Alliance provides direct services to the primarily Spanish-speaking immigrant community and advocates to remove barriers to their success. Carly’s work has focused on educating and engaging community residents in sea level rise planning, with a particular focus on how climate change will affect and exacerbate the existing housing crisis. Carly grew up in San Rafael


Brian Garcia

Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 

Brian Garcia is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist for the National Weather Service here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Brian has worked all over the country from Houston to Alaska, from DC to California. He has been part of incident responses from Deepwater Horizon to the 2017 Wine Country Fires. Through too many “once in a career events” and years of operational meteorology, Brian has seen the impacts of climate change become more pronounced. Outside of his professional world, Brian spends most of his time in the ocean, surfing.

Brenda Goeden

Sediment Program Manager, Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Brenda Goeden

Brenda Goeden is the Sediment Program Manager for the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. She supervises the day-to-day sediment related projects, including dredging, sand and oyster shell mining, flood protection, and wetland and subtidal habitat restoration. She is BCDC’s Program Manager for the Long Term Management Strategy for the Placement of Dredged Material in the San Francisco Bay Region (LTMS) a member of the Dredged Material Management Office (DMMO), which is responsible for the beneficial reuse of over 25 million cubic yards of dredged sediment in the Bay Area. She and the BCDC Sediment Management Team worked in partnership with the San Francisco Estuary Institute, San Francisco Estuary Partnership, and the SF Bay Joint Venture on Flood Control 2.0, a multi-benefit approach to flood protection. She is the BCDC project manager for large scale wetland restoration projects, including Hamilton, Bair Island, Montezuma, and the South Bay Salt Ponds, and works to maximize beneficial reuse of sediment in these projects whenever feasible, supporting rapid marsh vegetation development. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops on the subject. She has twelve years of experience developing and facilitating California marine conservation programs, as well as teaching marine science. She has a Bachelor of Arts in marine biology from Occidental College. She participates in the Great Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Beach Watch Program and Oil Spill Response Team and is a wild bird rehabilitator. 

Stendert Laan

Environmental Hydrodynamics, Deltares, Introducing FloodAdapt


Stendert has ample experience developing, calibrating, and validating advanced numerical models using Delft3D and other open-source software packages. He has been involved in the development of hydrodynamic models for operational forecasting systems and environmental impact assessments for the North Sea, Massachusetts Bay, San Francisco Bay and many other regions around the globe. Among other things, Stendert works on the quantification of regional ecosystem impacts under long-term offshore wind upscaling scenarios in the North Sea, provides design conditions for various offshore development sites, and advices on policy and operational guidelines for salt water intrusion.

Justin Luedy

Senior Environmental Specialist, Port of Long Beach

 Justin Luedy has worked as a Senior Environmental Specialist at the Port of Long Beach for over 15 years, where he’s responsible for projects and programs related to climate change adaptation and coastal resiliency planning, harbor-wide biological surveys, wildlife mitigation and management, water quality monitoring, compensatory wetland mitigation, and sustainability. Justin holds a B.S. in Marine Biology and a M.S. in Environmental Science. 

Stas Margaronis

President, Propeller Club of Northern California

Stas Margaronis is the California Ports Reporter for the American Journal of Transportation (AJOT).

Michael McCormick

Director, Bay Area Climate Adaptation Network (BayCAN)


Michael McCormick, AICP is the Partnerships Lead, Founder, and President of Farallon Strategies, LLC, an advisory, policy, and management consulting firm based in California. Michael is also Director of the Bay Area Climate Adaptation Network (BayCAN). He founded Farallon Strategies to support the creation of transformative solutions to reduce society’s contributions to climate change and the needed resilience in communities to address the impacts of climate change. He has worked at the local, regional, state, federal levels, and in non-profit, business, and government. These perspectives allow him to see the interconnectedness of work across governance and organizations, and to help create the vision and strategy to affect change. Michael works on governance solutions for climate change initiatives at the local and regional scale and is passionate about national service as an important tool in helping to address the climate crisis. 

Michael actively supports the evolution of the community of practice and is currently serving as an Advisor to Resilient Cities Catalyst, Mentor at 3rd Derivative, Advisor to BrightAction, Board Member for Community Climate Solutions, Board Member at the Cool Davis Foundation, Senior Fellow of the American Leadership Forum: Mountain Valley Chapter, and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. Michael is an instructor and visiting lecturer at various universities and institutes and teaches classes on climate change, land use, and resilience at UC Davis Continuing and Professional Organizations. 

Neena Mohan

Staff, Bay Area Climate Adaptation Network (BayCAN)


Neena Mohan is a Senior Project Associate at Farallon Strategies and staff at the Bay Area Climate Adaptation Network (BayCAN). Neena brings a background in environmental justice, climate and energy policy, and climate adaptation in their support of BayCAN and other capacity building programs and projects. Neena’s experience includes serving as the Climate Justice Program Manager and Climate and Air Campaign Manager at the California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA), where they worked on fossil fuel phase-out, transportation justice, air quality improvement, and Just Transition issues alongside environmental justice communities. Neena was a former Environmental Equity Summer Associate at the Greenlining Institute and a former Climate Fellow at Alameda County’s Office of Sustainability. 

Neena has also served on the AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC) to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and on the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Clean Transportation Advisory Committee. As an undergraduate student, Neena had the opportunity to work with Earthjustice and National Parks Conservation Association to uplift diverse voices and share critical environmental narratives. Neena holds Bachelors of Science degrees from UC Berkeley in Environmental Sciences and in Conservation & Resources Studies.

Adrienne Newbold

Port Engineer, Port of Los Angeles

Mrs. Newbold, P.E., PMP is a Harbor Engineer and Program manager for the Port of Los Angeles. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Loyola Marymount University and a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California Los Angeles. Mrs. Newbold is a registered Professional Civil Engineer in the State of California, licensed Project Management Professional, and certified International Code Council Building Plans Examiner. Mrs. Newbold was awarded the ASCE Metropolitan Los Angeles Section Outstanding Young Civil Engineer.

Mrs. Newbold, P.E., PMP, has over 18 years of program management experience with the Port of Los Angeles specializing in the planning, design, construction, and operation of container terminals, transportation networks, and waterfront development. She oversees the structural and specifications sections of the Engineering Division responsible for over $400 million of Capital Development.

Mrs. Newbold is the program manager for the Port of Los Angeles Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan which assessed the vulnerability, adaptive capacity, and developed resiliency strategies for all port assets. 

Mrs. Newbold is the program manager for the Pier 300 Development which includes a $52 M On-Dock Container Terminal Rail Yard Development project and a 1550 LF Wharf development. This project increases on-dock rail yard capacity and allows the port to import/export containers more efficiently and cost effectively while reducing congestion

As Project manager Mrs. Newbold recently completed the first Automated container terminal on the west coast, an award winning, $200 Million 100-acre container terminal backland redevelopment. As a diligent Project Manager, she led this complex multi-phased project from planning and design through construction and operation. 

Mrs. Newbold is past Board Chair for the COPRI Technical Group, an active member of ASCE, Women Transportation Seminar, Womens International Shipping and Trade Association, Loyola Marymount Council for Industrial Partners, and the IAPH Risk and Resilience Committee.

Jan Novak

Associate Environmental Planner and Scientist, Port of Oakland

Jan Novak

Jan Novak is a professional wetland scientist who works as an associate environmental planner/scientist with the Port of Oakland. He is responsible for permitting water-based projects and dredging. He recently managed the Port’s AB 691 Sea-Level Rise analysis. Prior to starting at the Port, he worked for 16 years at several environmental consulting firms. He studied soil science at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

Suzanne Plezia

Chief Harbor Engineer, Port of Long Beach, ‘Pier Wind’ Offshore Wind Project


Suzanne Plezia, P.E., is the Senior Director/Chief Harbor Engineer for the Port of Long Beach, California. She was named to the position in April 2017 by the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners, governing body for the Port. Ms. Plezia began her career at the Port of Long Beach in 1996 and previously served as the Port’s Director of Construction Management.

The Senior Director and Chief Harbor Engineer for the Port of Long Beach provides oversight for all administrative and technical activities for the Port’s Engineering Services Bureau. The Bureau comprises six divisions – Program Management, Construction Management, Project Controls, Survey, Engineering Design, and Maintenance. These six divisions are responsible for the development and maintenance of the Port’s infrastructure, which includes an extensive capital program to transition the Port’s operation to zero emissions and increasing the efficiency and velocity of goods movement through the Port.

A Long Beach native, Ms. Plezia is a California Registered Professional Civil Engineer and earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Irvine.

The Port of Long Beach is the premier U.S. gateway for trans-Pacific trade and a trailblazer in innovative goods movement, safety and environmental stewardship. As one of the busiest container seaport in the United States, the Port handles trade valued at $200 billion annually and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Randy Truby
President, RL Truby & Associates

Randy Truby has been a professional in the water treatment and membrane desalination industry since January 1969 when he joined Reverse Osmosis General Atomic (ROGA) as a Research Assistant. He currently operates R L Truby & Associates providing consulting and mentoring services.

Mr. Truby has been involved in the manufacture of reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, and microfiltration membranes and systems for over 50 years.  He has held the following positions: Partner and Vice President of Aqua Media Ltd.; CEO of Fluid Systems Corporation; Vice President Operations of Hydranautics/Nitto; CEO of Toray Membrane USA; Global Strategy Director NanoH2O; CEO of NeoTech Aqua Solutions.

Mr. Truby is a Past President of the International Desalination Association (1993-1995). He is also a past Vice President of the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA). Mr. Truby served as Chairman of the Board for the Affordable Desalination Collaboration (ADC). He has been inducted into the Hall of Fame for AMTA, and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Maritime Alliance.

Mr. Truby has authored over 65 presentations on membrane desalination, water treatment technology and water market development. He appeared on the PBS television desalination documentary “By the Year 2000” and has been featured in Fast Company Magazine.

Kristine Zortman

Executive Director, Port of Redwood City

Kristine A. Zortman is the executive director of the Port of Redwood City where she is responsible for implementing long-range organizational goals and policies for the seventh largest port in California.

While serving in this role, Zortman has spearheaded several key initiatives that have positioned south San Francisco Bay’s only deep-water port for long-term success. This includes developing the port’s first-ever strategic vision plan, which will guide the port’s development through 2025. The plan calls for maximizing land use, improving infrastructure, diversifying maritime and commercial business efforts, improving operations and protecting the environment – all with the overall goal of strengthening the port’s impact on the region’s economy and quality of life.

Zortman’s port experience also includes eight years at the Port of San Diego where she worked on commercial real estate negotiations for cargo and maritime trade growth. She also served as vice president of neighborhood investment for Civic San Diego, a non-profit economic development agency. She began her career working in the environmental and biological realms for the National Park Service and Heitman Financial, a real estate investment management firm in Los Angeles.

Zortman was named the 2021 Chamber San Mateo County’s Businesswoman of the Year; serves as vice president of the California Association of Port Authorities; and is a board member for the Bay Planning Coalition, California Marine Affairs & Navigation Conference, and the San Francisco Marine Exchange.

Her unique ability to navigate the complex intersection of public and private interests has led to the successful implementation of pioneering policies, including cost recovery initiatives, environmentally conscious practices and unique development opportunities.

She holds a degree in biology from George Mason University and has pursued graduate studies from the University of Utah and University of California Los Angeles.