Tag: international propeller club

Captain San Juan Dunbar Will Be Missed

Captain San Juan Dunbar Will Be Missed

In memoriam
Captain San Juan Dunbar
International President, 2014-2015

Capt. San Juan DunbarIt is with deep regret that we inform you of the death of the Club’s International President, Captain San Juan Dunbar, on Friday, April 24, in his hometown of Portland, Maine, after a short illness.

Captain Dunbar was a member of the Propeller Club for more than fifty years, having joined as a member of the Student Port at Maine Maritime Academy while still an undergraduate. After sailing abroad, he returned home to Portland, where he retired after many years as a harbor pilot. In retirement, he had split his time between Portland and Miami Beach, where he was also a member of the Propeller Club Port of Miami.

Captain Dunbar was dedicated to the Propeller Club and its mission, and served in a wide variety of roles at the local, regional and international levels of the organization: Port President and Board member, Regional Vice President, long-time member of the International Executive Committee and Board of Directors. He was elected First Vice President of the Club at our 86th Annual Convention in New Orleans, La., in 2012, and became International President at the 2014 Convention in Louisville, Ky. A profile of Capt. Dunbar appeared in our newsletter earlier this month.

Visitation is planned in Portland from 3-7 p.m. on Thursday, April 30, and funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on May 1, with burial to follow. Captain Dunbar’s full obituary with additional details will appear in the Portland Press Herald on Tuesday, and will be also available on the newspaper’s website at that time.

To Captain Dunbar’s family, his colleagues in the Propeller Club Port of Portland, and to his many friends, we extend our deepest sympathies.

Under the bylaws of the International Propeller Club of the United States, the International First Vice President, Rick Schiappacasse, a member of the Propeller Club Ports of Baltimore and Jacksonville, will fill the remainder of Captain Dunbar’s term as President, which runs through the 2016 Annual Convention.

Alert: Senate Proposal Would Gut Jones Act

Alert: Senate Proposal Would Gut Jones Act

U.S. Senate to consider legislation to gut Jones Act domestic shipbuilding provisions 

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has proposed legislation that would eliminate the Jones Act requirement that vessels used in American domestic trade be built in U.S. shipyards.  We expect a vote as early as Tuesday, Jan. 20, to attach this provision to the bill that would authorize construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, currently pending before the Senate.

U.S. maritime interests are very concerned about the results this proposal would have on the domestic maritime industry, devaluing investments that have already been made in American-built vessels and impacting hundreds of thousands of American jobs.  You can read more about the proposal and the industry response here and in other maritime publications.  http://bit.ly/1ucJDNB

Local Propeller Club members may want to contact their U.S. Senators as soon as possible to urge them to vote NO on the McCain amendment when it comes up for consideration next week.  Those whose businesses would be impacted will want to be prepared to offer examples of the impact on your company and your community.  All Senate offices can be reached through the U.S. Capitol Switchboard, 202-224-3121, and contact information for each Senator is available on-line at www.senate.gov.

The International Propeller Club of the United States Newsletter

The International Propeller Club of the United States Newsletter

The International Propeller Club of the United States has released its latest newsletter. Highlights include a recap of the 87th Annual Convention and Maritime Conference, message from president Andrew Riester and a U.S. maritime regulatory and legislative update.

The club also announced the 30th annual Maritime Industry Salute to Congress, which will be held on May 8, 2014 in Washington, D.C. You may submit to the organizing committee a name for this year’s honor. See past Salute to Congress honorees.

You may read the full issue here.