Tag: jones act

Alert: Senate Proposal Would Gut Jones Act

Alert: Senate Proposal Would Gut Jones Act

U.S. Senate to consider legislation to gut Jones Act domestic shipbuilding provisions 

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has proposed legislation that would eliminate the Jones Act requirement that vessels used in American domestic trade be built in U.S. shipyards.  We expect a vote as early as Tuesday, Jan. 20, to attach this provision to the bill that would authorize construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, currently pending before the Senate.

U.S. maritime interests are very concerned about the results this proposal would have on the domestic maritime industry, devaluing investments that have already been made in American-built vessels and impacting hundreds of thousands of American jobs.  You can read more about the proposal and the industry response here and in other maritime publications.  http://bit.ly/1ucJDNB

Local Propeller Club members may want to contact their U.S. Senators as soon as possible to urge them to vote NO on the McCain amendment when it comes up for consideration next week.  Those whose businesses would be impacted will want to be prepared to offer examples of the impact on your company and your community.  All Senate offices can be reached through the U.S. Capitol Switchboard, 202-224-3121, and contact information for each Senator is available on-line at www.senate.gov.