On December 1, 2014, the club was fortunate to have as its fall speaker Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Chairman Mario Cordero. We had the second highest number of attendees in a decade to hear the chairman discuss the roll of the FMC and the issues and initiatives the Commission is currently addressing.
Tag: mario cordero

Reserve Your Place at the Fall Luncheon
Monday, December 1, 2014
11:30 – 14:00 hours
Scott’s Seafood Restaurant
2 Broadway, Jack London Square Oakland
The Propeller Club of Northern California’s annual fall luncheon will feature speaker Mario Cordero, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission in Washington, D.C.
The deadline for reservations is November 25. Propeller Club members and their guests pay $45 each, non-members $50. Send the reservation form and your check made payable to “PC-NC” to:
The Propeller Club of Northern California
120 Village Square, Box 113
Orinda, CA 94563
You may download and print the form here: [ddownload id=”688″]