2014 Decision Makers Conference

Friday, May 16, 2014
Continental buffet breakfast & registration at 7:30 a.m.
Program begins at 8:30 a.m.
Oakland Scottish Rite Center (click here for map)

The DMC will be here before you know it!

The largest regional gathering of maritime, shoreline, industry and environmental leaders, the 27th Decision Makers Conference is going to be one of the best yet.

Don’t miss this chance to meet decision makers from around the region, state and country, learn about important issues facing the Bay Area and beyond, and ask questions of our distinguished speakers and panelists.

A sampling of the day’s events and some of our confirmed speakers:

  • Welcoming Remarks from Oakland’s own Congresswoman Barbara Lee
  • A panel on the Changing Uses of the Bay Area Shoreline: What does the Future Hold? With diverse panelist perspectives including: Mike Ghielmetti, President of Signature Development Group; Rick Welts, President and COO of the Golden State Warriors and Jennifer Lucchesi, Executive Director of the California State Lands Commission, among others
  • A luncheon address from Eric Swalwell, U.S. Congressman
  • A keynote address on the coming coastal crisis of sea level rise from John Englander, Author of High Tide on Main Street
  • Presentation of the 2014 Frank Boerger Award
  • An address on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ role in civil works and an update on recent events from Brigadier General C. David Turner, South Pacific Division Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • A panel entitled Sea Level Rise is Coming: What Do we Do About It? with input from Danny Kennedy, Co-Founder and Senior VP of Sungevity; Larry Goldzband, Executive Director of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission; Jeremy Lowe, Senior Coastal Geomorphologist at ESA, and Monique Moyer, Executive Director of the Port of San Francisco.
  • Closing Remarks from John Garamendi, U.S. Congressman

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2014 Decision Makers Conference Sponsors